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Award Stories

The Power of Storytelling in Design: Elevating Custom Awards

At Bennett Awards, storytelling is not just a technique; it's our cornerstone. Without a compelling narrative, our designs lack the depth that resonates with our clients. Whether celebrating corporate achievements or personal milestones, each recognition award we craft is infused with emotion and significance. Our Creative Director, Ryan Rivas, emphasizes the importance of storytelling, stating, “Stories are integral almost in every aspect of design.” We delve deep into the narrative behind each award, extracting its essence and translating it into visual elements that resonate with both giver and recipient. By channeling the emotions embedded within the story, we create awards that not only celebrate success but also capture the essence of the journey that led to it.

Customizable Award Examples

Customizable Award Examples

Customizable awards are a quick, cost effective method of creating unique awards that are customized for your organization or event. In this blog post, we highlight a couple of examples of customizable award projects that we have worked on with our clients.