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Color Considerations for Your Custom Awards

When you create a new custom award design, one of the decisions you may be asked to make is the color scheme for your awards. This choice is most often associated with custom-cut metal awards, which can be produced in an almost endless variety of colors. However, our bronze, pewter, and crystal recognition awards can also incorporate custom colors as either the main color element of the award, or simply as an accent to the award’s primary surfaces.

When choosing colors for your awards, you want to make sure they are an accurate representation of your brand, organization, event and/or recipients. Sometimes this is an easy task, as there may be a brand or corporate color palette the scheme needs to adhere to. Other times, however, there is some flexibility in this choice, so we have outlined some of the primary colors available for your awards, along with their meaning and significance.


Red is often associated with passion, energy, and strength. It symbolizes love, excitement, and power. Emotionally, red evokes strong emotions like excitement, enthusiasm, and urgency. It grabs attention and can create a sense of importance or urgency.



Yellow is often associated with happiness, optimism, and warmth. It symbolizes joy, intellect, and positivity. Emotionally, yellow can evoke feelings of cheerfulness, optimism, and energy. It is a bright and attention-grabbing color that can inspire creativity.



Green is often associated with nature, growth, and harmony. It symbolizes freshness, fertility, and renewal. Emotionally, green evokes feelings of calmness, relaxation, and balance. It is also associated with prosperity and success. Green is often used for environmental or nature-oriented awards.



Blue is often associated with trust, loyalty, and stability. It symbolizes intelligence, wisdom, and depth. Emotionally, blue evokes a sense of serenity, tranquility, and confidence. It is often seen as a color that promotes focus and productivity.



Orange is often associated with enthusiasm, creativity, and adventure. It symbolizes warmth, vitality, and determination. Emotionally, orange evokes feelings of enthusiasm, excitement, and motivation. It is a vibrant and energetic color that can add a sense of fun and playfulness.



Purple is often associated with luxury, royalty, and spirituality. It symbolizes power, creativity, and ambition. Emotionally, purple evokes a sense of mystery, elegance, and creativity. It is often perceived as a color that represents individuality and uniqueness.