The Common Good Partnership Program: Awards That Spread Goodness In The World

Bennett Awards was built on a foundation of commitment to our values as a small family business, and it has always been one of our goals to use our success to support the causes we believe are contributing to a better world. With these priorities in mind, Bennett Awards is proud to have created the Common Good Partnership program. This innovative program allows non-profit and educational organizations to not only enhance their brand visibility but also benefit from a 10% discount by simply linking back to our post on their website—a fantastic and synergistic way for smaller businesses and charitable organizations to support each other’s objectives. 

We take pride in working with organizations that are serving an altruistic purpose. One of our guiding company principles is a desire to contribute to the heightened environmental, social, educational, and community consciousness in the world today, so we feel a special affinity for organizations that serve this purpose. Getting to hear their stories, celebrate their contributions and be a part of their missions is a joyful highlight for all of the Bennett Awards staff, including our consultants, designers and craftsmen.

 Bennett Awards Supports Fibroids Research and Awareness with The White Dress Project

One of the organizations we recently got to support and collaborate with through our Common Good Partnership program was the Georgia-based nonprofit The White Dress Project. This incredible organization has taken on the monumental and critical task of spreading awareness about uterine fibroids, including advocating for improved support and resources for women living with fibroids, as well as involvement in research around the condition. Educating the world about the widespread occurrence of fibroids (which will affect 70% of white women and 90% of African-American women by age 50) certainly isn’t all The White Dress Project does, but even creating this visibility in the first place is a desperately-needed role in a society that often undervalues and sometimes even stigmatizes women’s health. This is especially true when it comes to conditions that disproportionately affect African-American women, as fibroids do. 

The White Dress symbol that gives the organization its namesake is based on the fact that many women who suffer from this emotionally and physically painful condition also deal with heavy bleeding which makes wearing a garment like a white dress a potentially frightening or shameful choice. The organization, however, chooses to highlight this particular garment as a symbol of hope for women who suffer from fibroids, and so it is featured in their name and logo, as well as the custom award that they collaboratively created with Bennett Awards. The designers at Bennett Awards celebrated this symbol by using white, semi-opaque glass that lets light shine through the cutout of the dress, allowing it to glow. 

The Global Wellness Award: A Logo Sculpture With A Twist

Another nonprofit organization making our world healthier that Bennett Awards was excited to get involved with was the Global Wellness Institute. Each year, the GWI hosts the Global Wellness Summit where prestigious leaders in the business of wellness gather to present their groundbreaking research and share resources. At each Global Wellness Summit, outstanding leaders are recognized for their contributions to the fields of health and wellness in an awards ceremony highlighting unique accomplishments and achievements of recipients. The GWI envisions a world free of preventable disease, and Bennett Awards enthusiastically supports this vision.

The unique custom award, called the Global Wellness Award, that we designed with the Global Wellness Institute brought the Global Wellness Summit logo to life in three-dimensional form, with an artistic twist, literally. The shapes and lines in the logo were captured as outlines made of brushed pewter, which feel soft and modern but classically shine at the same time. This design was encircled by a twisting outline which helps capture the circular shape of the logo and add something unexpected to the otherwise-familiar impression of the logo’s lines. The GWI also commissioned smaller custom medallions based on the custom sculpture award as another option for honoring additional wellness achievers. Bennett Awards hoped the recipients of the Global Wellness Awards would feel their efforts were honored with this elegant sculpture.

Awards for Champions of Tennis And Equity  

Another organization we were honored to collaborate with through our Common Good Partnership Program was the Johnny Mac Tennis Project (JMTP), a nonprofit founded by tennis hall-of-famer John McEnroe which is transforming young lives in the under-resourced New York communities nearby the same courts where John himself grew up and learned to play. Despite the economic, racial, and social barriers their students face, the JMTP staff and supporters hope to teach life skills and tennis skills as tools for shaping and forging a successful future. JMTP provides training, scholarships, and facilitated school programs which aim to open up opportunities for these young people. To date, they have reached over 12,500 students through these programs and provided over 500 scholarship awards to students, resulting in 38 college scholarships earned. 

For their annual Pro-Am Tennis Tournament, Bennett Awards provided The Johnny Mac Tennis Project with some beautiful and affordable sculpture awards that honored the athleticism, grace, and excellence of the recipients. These awards are both star shaped pewter sculptures that were designed to artistically capture motion, with the arcing lines mimicking the shape of a skilled tennis player’s stroke. The JMTP, in turn, thanked Bennett Awards with a link on their website and listed our logo under the tournament sponsors, and we got to see in action how this partnership was truly able to benefit everyone. 

Common Good Means Making The World Better for Everyone

When organizations choose to highlight our expertly crafted awards, they’re not just receiving a symbol of recognition; they're celebrating the meticulous craftsmanship and artistic journey embedded in each piece. Our in-depth project posts on our website offer a behind-the-scenes glimpse into the expertise and artistic dedication that distinguishes our awards from others. By featuring your specific award in one of these dedicated posts, its story is amplified, thereby increasing its intrinsic and perceived value to all stakeholders.

Recognition plays an important role for these organizations, as the "reward" for their stakeholders - volunteers, donors, team members, etc. - is often not directly tied to cash compensation. They want to make a difference most of all, but a physical gift thanking them for their generosity is a way for everyone to continue to honor and reflect on their altruistic actions. We also understand that these organizations typically have tighter budgetary constraints than for-profit enterprises. Recognizing these factors, the Common Good Program is our way of helping these organizations achieve their goals, while at the same time enabling us to support causes we believe in.

Join us in this exciting journey of recognition and community engagement. Reach out today to discover more about how the Common Goods Partnership Program at Bennett Awards can benefit your organization while also contributing to a greater cause!


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