Using Add-On Components To Enhance Your Custom Award Program
Facebook Half-Marathon Perpetual Award
Custom awards and trophies are a great way to support your brand image and positioning. These awards can provide a duel benefit of both serving as a recognition vehicle, as well as creating an additional element that enhances and extends the brand of your company or organization.
Some of the custom trophy designs we have created for our clients are very detailed and substantial. While this makes a significant impression at your awards event or presentation, the cost of these more elaborate custom trophies may make it difficult to present them to as wide of a recipient base as desired. Many of our clients would ideally like to extend their custom awards, along with the branding benefits they provide, to as broad a recipient base, and overall audience, as possible.
One unique and creative way to accomplish this objective is to create add-on components to your custom trophies, thereby creating a integrated recognition awards program you can extend to a broader base of recipients. There are many form-factor possibilities for these add-on elements, including medallions, key chains, pins, and plaques.
These add-on components can either identically adhere to the design of the larger custom trophies, but in a smaller form factor, or a new custom design can be created for these components that ties into the design of the larger trophies.
One example of the former approach are the medallions / key chains we created for Facebook’s company half marathon. The primary custom award we created for them for this event was a perpetual trophy that sits in Facebook’s trophy case at their corporate headquarters in Palo Alto. Each year, the names of the winners are added to the trophy. However, to extend the reach of this recognition design, we also created custom medallions (which can also serve as key chains) in a very similar shape and design as the perpetual trophy, and these are presented to the first through third place finishers in various event categories.
Facebook Half-Marathon Medallions/Key-Chains
An example of the latter approach is the lapel pins we created for the Wounded Warrior Project’s (WWP) Carry Forward Awards. The primary custom trophies consist of pewter backpack sculptures mounted on intricately engraved bases. However, the WWP also wanted to give attendees of their recognition event a momento that would serve as a lasting keepsake for the event. We created a lapel pin design that picked up certain elements of the primary trophy, and these lapel pins were presented to event attendees.
A Program For You
These are just a couple examples of integrated custom recognition programs we have created for our clients. These truly represent an opportunity to make both a recognition and branding statement, and there really are no limits to what can be done with a healthy dose of creativity and know-how. If you have an upcoming recognition event or presentation, we would love to work with you to put these practices into motion!